Blog V1 | The Anxious Me

The Misunderstandings Of Opening Up About Mental Health

Mental health is a very sensitive topic that people don’t talk about in open. There is a lot of scope for misunderstanding when a person opens up about his/her mental health issues. Below I look at the reasons why having a mental health conversation is tough for the one who is suffering and how the

Comparison Kills Productivity And This Is How You Can Overcome It

Comparison is productive if taken in the right spirit. For example if you are a 30 year old guy and you come across a 22 year old girl working very hard to achieve what she wants in life, then you can tell yourself “Look at her so young and ambitious and working extremely hard. How

Mental Energy: The Game Changing factor within You

If you ask me to choose one thing that I would want to remember for the rest of my life it is the fact that everyone has a limited amount of energy they can use on a day-to-day basis. If you decide to choose it for the wrong reasons you end up with no energy

A ‘Belief System’ that Turned Up Late in my Life

Teenage years are quite amazing. You start to experience the roller coaster transformation from being a kid to an adult. You are often given a briefing about your future, how to perceive it, how to embrace it and how to face it. You tend to pick a career path and start pursuing it. You start

Part Two: Parting ways with ‘Self-Pity’ after a long journey together

In my previous article I talked about how self-pity was a part and parcel of my life. The one constant factor during all these years of feeling sorry for myself was my lack of self esteem and absence of my own identity. Although I turned to self-pity for many years, I still had this desire

Part One: ‘Self-Pity’ and Me

Around four years back, at the age of 30, I was going through the lowest point of my life. My attempt at pursuing a hight desired career on the marketing side of sports failed. At 30 people usually have their lives secured or are on their way towards achieving their goal. And here I was

Why I Chose Vulnerability Over Pretending to be Strong

These days when I go out to meet friends and dear ones I feel a sense of satisfaction and joy, because now I am open about my Anxiety. Sounds strange? I have been mum about my mental health that has ruled most part of my life and it continues to hamper me while I learn

The Anxious Me: Story of my Battle to Survive

Years of self-inflicted depression and anxiety has lead me into a dark world that I am trying to step out of. As I look back at 34 years of my existence on this planet, the chapters are filled with anxiety, depression, loneliness and stress all around with a glimpse of hope peeking out of my

The Exuberance of Being an Introvert Which I Wish I Realised Early

If there was one thing that used to crush my hopes instantly in the past it was seeing someone speak with such ease in social gatherings that you couldn’t help but wonder how they seize the attention of the onlookers while I have to find a quiet place in the corner to bury my face

The MISSadventure that was my School Life

Coming to think of your school life, what is your best memory? Is it the time spent with friends? Or how good you were at studies? Or how you used to excel in cultural activities? Every time I ponder about my best memories at school, I fail to come up with an answer and that’s