Trending Posts | The Anxious Me
Comparison Kills Productivity And This Is How You Can Overcome It
Comparison is productive if taken in the right spirit. For example if you are a 30 year old guy and you come across a 22 year old girl working very hard to achieve what she wants in life, then you can tell yourself “Look at her so young and ambitious and working extremely hard. How
How Sharing a Piece of my Mind Liberated my Soul
Somewhere in mid-2017 when I was starting to experience panic attacks, I reached out to one of my close friend in South Africa and told her about my condition. She was someone I shared everything with and always took advice from whenever I needed one. Panic attack is a condition where extreme anxiety takes over
A ‘Belief System’ that Turned Up Late in my Life
Teenage years are quite amazing. You start to experience the roller coaster transformation from being a kid to an adult. You are often given a briefing about your future, how to perceive it, how to embrace it and how to face it. You tend to pick a career path and start pursuing it. You start
Why I Chose Vulnerability Over Pretending to be Strong
These days when I go out to meet friends and dear ones I feel a sense of satisfaction and joy, because now I am open about my Anxiety. Sounds strange? I have been mum about my mental health that has ruled most part of my life and it continues to hamper me while I learn
Learning to Live with Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
When Aarathi, my Psychologist, broke the news that I had Generalised Anxiety Disorder, it didn’t come as a surprise to me as I could sense the symptoms of GAD, which I have been experiencing since my school days. GAD is an anxiety disorder where people suffering from it are in a constant state of worry
Current Location
Located at: Hyderabad
My DREAM is to…
Create an environment that encourages Mental Health conversations. Expressing yourself is the way out of your struggle.