The Misunderstandings Of Opening Up About Mental Health
Mental health is a very sensitive topic that people don’t talk about in open. There is a lot of scope for misunderstanding when a person opens up about his/her mental ...
Comparison Kills Productivity And This Is How You Can Overcome It
Comparison is productive if taken in the right spirit. For example if you are a 30 year old guy and you come across a 22 year old girl working very ...
Mental Energy: The Game Changing factor within You
If you ask me to choose one thing that I would want to remember for the rest of my life it is the fact that everyone has a limited amount ...
A ‘Belief System’ that Turned Up Late in my Life
Teenage years are quite amazing. You start to experience the roller coaster transformation from being a kid to an adult. You are often given a briefing about your future, how ...
Part Two: Parting ways with ‘Self-Pity’ after a long journey together
In my previous article I talked about how self-pity was a part and parcel of my life. The one constant factor during all these years of feeling sorry for myself ...
Letter to 20 Year Old Self
This is a letter from a 34 year old ‘Anxious Me’ to the 20 year old inexperienced ‘Me’ who is about to step into a new world. Dear Anil, As ...
Accepting and Embracing Anxiety
The first and most important thing my therapist told me when I started to see her a year ago was that anxiety is something you cannot brush off and expect ...
The MISSadventure that was my School Life
Coming to think of your school life, what is your best memory? Is it the time spent with friends? Or how good you were at studies? Or how you used ...